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The Powerlines Group places a premium on quality assurance, environmental protection and health and safety at work. Which is why the Group has introduced an Integrated Management System (IMS) for quality, the environment and health and safety for all of its members - a system which has been certified by TÜV Austria Holding AG. The Powerlines Group is therefore able to ensure the continual improvement of its already high standards.


The Powerlines Group has established the following guidelines for implementing, maintaining and continually improving its quality management:


  • The Powerlines Group continually strives to understand the current and future requirements of its customers, to meet demands and exceed customer expectations.
Strong leadership
  • The management team sets consistent goals and steers the company. It creates and sustains an internal environment which enables all employees to dedicate themselves to achieving the company's goals.
Staff involvement
  • Our employees are the core of the organization and their suggestions for improvements allow their skills to be leveraged for the company's benefit.
  • Results can be efficiently achieved if the appropriate resources and activities are managed as processes.
  • The ability to identify, understand, manage and direct a system of interrelated processes allows the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization to be improved.
Continual improvement
  • An ongoing objective is the continual optimization of all workflows, the organization and qualifications.
  • Decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.
  • The Powerlines Group values its suppliers. A mutually beneficial relationship enables both sides to add value.